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Conferencia ASHE

Imagen ASHE Conference

Se presentó la ponencia Reimaginando las Colaboraciones Norte-Sur.

Durante la Conferencia de la Association for the Study of Higher Education – ASHE, se presentó la ponencia Reimaginando las Colaboraciones Norte-Sur: El Centro Internacional para el Desarrollo de la Educación (Reimagining International North-South Collaborations: The International Research Center for the Development of Education) cuyos autores fueron la Dra. Pilar Mendoza y el Dr. Fredy Cárdenas.

ASHE Conference

During the Conference of the Association for the Study of Higher Education - ASHE, Dr. Pilar Mendoza presented the paper Reimagining North-South Collaborations: The International Research Center for the Development of Education, which she co-authored with Dr. Fredy Cárdenas.